3 Important Steps to Help Your Electric Train Work Again

Sometimes, when you least expect it, your electric train may start to malfunction or, worst case scenario… not work at all. So, what should you do? Of course, find the problem and fix it. Here are 3 tips and tricks that can help you identify the problem with your electric train and fix it on your own.

Bear in mind that some problems are very easy to solve. So, before you run to a professional to check your train and do the necessary repairs, first try these steps:

Make sure your train is on the track

Remember, the train gets its power through the wheels. So, make sure all locomotives are on the track. To do so, just slide the locomotives back and forth. Yes, this was the simple task, but it gets better.

Make sure there are no problems with the electric connections

Check to see if the wires are connected to the track and what is their condition. Make sure the wires are not frayed or split. If that is the case, change them immediately.

Clean the Track and Wheels on a regular basis

If your electric train is quite new, you may skip this step. However, if you had your train for quite some time and didn’t perform a proper cleaning, it’s time to start now.

Dirt may build up over time, especially if you are keeping the train in a damp environment. So, to remove corrosion or dirt, you can use liquid cleaners from the hobby store or rubbing alcohol.

If you have performed all the basic steps above and still encounter problems, don’t hesitate and seek for professional advice.